WAC is a worldwide leader for END TO END TELEMETRY SOLUTIONS To best achieve logistic optimization and cost reduction for the OIL & GAS distributors

RTM – Remote Tank Monitoring
JupiterProb is a Telemetry Remote Tank Monitoring cutting-edge solution. “Plug and play”, Simple installation and compatibility to any tank. Super reliability, interface to any ERP system.
Tracking level + many alerts. Calculating consumption weighted rate for next delivery forecast.
Solution includes cloud server, web application, installation APP and Mobile management Application.

Truck distribution and delivery control
JupiterMobile is a full routing & distribution monitoring system. Including GPS authentication for the tanks filling process, Oil/Gas delivery has never been easier.
Truck distribution data is analyzed in comparison to Telemetry data and triggers mismatch alerts.
Complete management tools and report features, including real time map view, various alerts, signature capture and online updates.
Consists of a cabin MDT, Android based computer with Online connectivity to a Centralized, Cloud-based App. API to any CRM/ERP and supporting mobile and web applications.
ACO – Auto Change Over management system
Auto Change Over detecting empty cylinders to facilitate a refill order.
The solution consists of JupiterProb unit and centralized system which analyses the status of replacement orders based on advanced algorithm that anticipates empty time and actual cylinder voiding.

Cylinder distribution
JupiterCylinder is a full solution Cylinders Distribution by trucks.
The solution provides a full management control over the cylinder distribution process.
Smart ordering generation including Android based device, automatic recommendation, truck routing, ERP interface and delivery note transmit to the customer.

Software solution – Data analytics
Advanced and state of the art AI algorithm based on the accumulative history Data collected, developed for the Oil & GAS distribution companies with Map views and flexible reporting including:
• ROI per site profile and operational performance savings
• Smart purchasing and delivery tools management
• Automatic refill recommendation
• Dispatching algorithm
• Routing optimization and mapping
• BI reporting with automatic tools and customization
• ERP / CRM full connection
• Mobile applications


Handheld Device for the JupiterCylinder solution, is an Android based Device-POS, including a built-in printer, cellular and GPS.
This device is part of WACnGO Cylinder distribution system providing a strong end-point for LPG/Propane companies, including route management, ERP online updates, customer alerts, inventory management and delivery note including signature and images captures.
JupiterProb4 - Remote Tank Monitoring

Leading Tank monitoring unit.
IOT Cellular based monitor unit. Remote tracking of tank levels, consumption, and alerts.
JupiterProb4 is a battery operated, robust, long life unit that can monitor up to 3 tanks. Designed for LPG (Propane), fuel, oil and chemical products.
ATEX zone 0, UL Class 1 Division 1 and Inmerto certification + IP68 ensures worldwide compatibility to any environment/location.
Simple installation, supporting mobile Apps and user alerts.
JupiterMobile – Truck distribution solution

Control your trucks distribution of Gas/Oil process as part of the JupiterMobile solution.
8 Inch cabin mounted Tablet with Direct control over most Electronic registers.
Main features include: navigating between the sites, GPS authentication, full interface to any ERP, routing, Inventory management, online updates and control.
Completes the Jupiter end-to-end solution.
The Company
WAC was Established in 2006 with a vision to create a one stop shop, End-To-End logistics optimization solution based on Telemetry & Trucks management for LPG and OIL distributors.
Today WAC is the leading player in the LPG/Propane logistics optimization market with leading position in LATAM and Israel.
WAC is based in Tel-Aviv Israel, with subsidiary companies in Brazil, Chile, and the USA.
Our goal is to create a significant value to our customers, by optimizing the logistics operations with the best system and algorithms available in the market.
WAC team is dedicated to its customers and adapts the right solution to the customer needs.
With WAC solutions, there are over 90,000 monitored tanks worldwide.

Increase logistics efficiency by 40%.
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Main Office
Tel Aviv, Israel
Sau Paulo, Brazil
New York, USA
Santiago, Chile

Countries of operation
South Africa